chanterelle season

Coming out of the election trauma and looking for soft and curved shapes to draw, and found chanterelle mushroom the perfect solution, plus drawing skateboard parks with their big sweeping curves and dips, such a beautiful mix of flowing lines and the volume of sculpted concrete.

Animated fonts and chanterelles.

chanterelle_.e.     Animated fonts and hand drawn elements

chanterelle_.e. Animated fonts and hand drawn elements

chanterelle_f. Animated fonts on their way to the skateboard park

chanterelle_f. Animated fonts on their way to the skateboard park

chanterelle_h. 3D elements made into a custom brush in Illustrator which allows a free-hand drawing and construction beyond the constraints of 3D program.  plus a mushroom.

chanterelle_h. 3D elements made into a custom brush in Illustrator which allows a free-hand drawing and construction beyond the constraints of 3D program. plus a mushroom.

chanterelle_h.  animated fonts and shapes meeting the sinuous lines of the chanterelle

chanterelle_h. animated fonts and shapes meeting the sinuous lines of the chanterelle

chanterelle_j. animated fonts at the skateoard park

chanterelle_j. animated fonts at the skateoard park

chanterelle_m. animated fonts and  chanterelles

chanterelle_m. animated fonts and chanterelles

botanical sketchbook

These are pages from my sketchbook, several iterations down the line from my starting point in the garden, and incorporating elements of animating 3D shapes, letter forms, and scientific diagrams.

the notebook pages are opened to a scene that is part stylized science diagram, part animating clones.

the notebook pages are opened to a scene that is part stylized science diagram, part animating clones.

chanterelle mushrooms in season

chanterelle mushrooms in season

alt_Haiku…exploring the edges of a poetic tradition where the language is rooted in the seasons, and the meaning can turn from concrete and physical to something more intimate and psychological

alt_Haiku…exploring the edges of a poetic tradition where the language is rooted in the seasons, and the meaning can turn from concrete and physical to something more intimate and psychological

how close to atoms are these sedge plants, and their stems flow naturally into another language that talks of energy and movement.

how close to atoms are these sedge plants, and their stems flow naturally into another language that talks of energy and movement.

notebook coming to life with science drawing, flying fonts, 3D atom array and what else???  maybe a sunflower

notebook coming to life with science drawing, flying fonts, 3D atom array and what else??? maybe a sunflower

ikebana formula is a nod to another system for shaping plants into artistic and spiritual arrangements.

ikebana formula is a nod to another system for shaping plants into artistic and spiritual arrangements.

looking at sedge again, with just the ring binder of the notebook to interrupt the natural conversation of these two partners.

looking at sedge again, with just the ring binder of the notebook to interrupt the natural conversation of these two partners.

atom array identical to so many seeds I find in the garden, especially the little desiccated brains that are nasturtium seeds.

atom array identical to so many seeds I find in the garden, especially the little desiccated brains that are nasturtium seeds.

catapulting from side to side of the notebook…..animating clones captured mid-flight, language can’t keep up.

catapulting from side to side of the notebook…..animating clones captured mid-flight, language can’t keep up.

lots of drawings in all my notebooks of morning glories on chain length fences….all my favorite things to draw with twisting, twinging branches and leaves against the simple geometry of the fencing. The flowers each have so many unique postures and …

lots of drawings in all my notebooks of morning glories on chain length fences….all my favorite things to draw with twisting, twinging branches and leaves against the simple geometry of the fencing. The flowers each have so many unique postures and development stages.

seeds and beads and animating clones share an over-lapping identity and are frequent visitors to these pages.

seeds and beads and animating clones share an over-lapping identity and are frequent visitors to these pages.

carrot climbs the mountain

carrot climbs the mountain

animating fonts, language

animating fonts, language



New Heat Gun

Foraging in the pantry for plastic cups and containers to shape and melt.  Using a heat gun to make them malleable and vaguely suggestive of rocky terrain.

Minimal morning sketch

Wire and jewels as sketching materials...getting a more pliable line than with bamboo constructions, and integrating color into the line without getting too much into terrain of painting.


minimal palette of things

Very line dominated construction, but the overall space is roomy and allows for exploration and chances to rearrange the composition with different focus.


Drawing with Things

Daily drawing project, utilizing a mix of dimensional objects like this translucent plastic sheet, along with moss, pastels, etc. , which I then photograph.  I want the point of view to be ambiguous, as if we're not sure who is narrating.


drawing in layers

Geometric design with bamboo forms.  .These simple table-top arrangements can get busy very quickly, so I intentionally limit myself to 8 layers, counting light, shadows, reflections, background paper each as a layer, which leaves me with the bamboo, plastic frame, and perhaps 2 other supplemental texture layers.


Drawing with Straws

Morphing from photos to custom brushes in Painter with calligraphic flow.